Gabriel Gomes

Software Developer

Gabriel Gomes

I have been a software developer since 2021 with an emphasis on the front-end, but with consistent work on the back-end. My specialties revolve around Javascript frameworks (VueJS, Nuxt, React, Next, etc.), improving Core Web Vitals , analysis and application of SEO techniques, use of semantic HTML, creation of responsive layouts, creation and use of endpoints, among other diverse aspects of web development. In the back-end, I've already had the opportunity to contribute to Ruby On Rails and PHP/Laravel monoliths, contributing to refactorings, migrations, increasing test coverage, etc.

The Software

  • Glin (2024 - )

    In the financial services area, Glin offers a payment method for its users to receive and send money quickly and safely throughout the world

    Technologies: VueJS, NuxtJS, Vite, Typescript, CSS with BEM, SEO, Core Web Vitals, AWS, MySQL, Wordpress

  • Melhor Escola (2022 - 2024)

    Melhor Escola is the largest school marketplace in Brazil. Through it, thousands of children and teenagers can access quality education for a price they can afford

    Technologies: VueJS, NuxtJS, Vite, Vitest, Vue Testing Library, Typescript, CSS com BEM, SEO, Core Web Vitals, PHP/Laravel, AWS, MySQL

  • Quero Bolsa (2021 - 2022)

    Quero Bolsa is a scholarship marketplace that allows people from all over Brazil to enter higher education and postgraduate studies with discounts

    Technologies: Ruby On Rails, VueJS, NuxtJS, Typescript, CSS, SEO, Core Web Vitals, AWS, React

The Developer

Professional Experience

  • Desenvolvedor de Software - Melhor Escola (Out 2022 - Jul 2024)
  • Desenvolvedor de Software - Quero Bolsa (Jan 2022 - Set 2022)
  • Estágio em Desenvolvimento e Suporte - Quero Bolsa (Jan 2021 - Dec 2021)


  • Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - IFSP (Jan 2021 - Interrompida)
  • Bacharelado em Direito - UNICSUL (Jul 2016 - Jul 2021)
  • Técnico em Informática para Internet - IFSP (Jan 2014 - Jul 2015)

Who am I?

Born and raised in the north coast of São Paulo, I have always been passionate about technology and the internet. I started my career in the technology field in 2021, and since then I have been working with web development, always seeking to improve my skills and learn new technologies. But tech isin't nearly the only thing that I'm into. I love reading, writing, I love learning the most random or absurd things that you can think of. I love the 'Jack of all trades' concept, so I tend to be very curious about everything as well.
